An evening of worship around the campfire at Camp Phillip
Photo Courtesy of Camp Phillip

Processing a Week at Camp

A week at camp is full of amazing memories, exciting opportunities, new friendships and encounters with God. Help your child process their week and remember how God worked during their time at camp with these conversation starters! These questions could be asked on the car ride home or during a meal after you arrive back home.

  1. When was a time you got out of your comfort zone during camp? How did you feel before, during and after trying that new thing?
  2. What made you thankful during the week?
  3. Who was someone you met at camp that you connected with?
  4. What did you learn about God this week?
  5. When did you feel the most loved at camp?
  6. Did you grow in your faith at camp? How would you like to keep growing?
  7. Tell me something that happened during the week that you never want to forget

Making the space for your child to reflect on and process their week at camp provides opportunities for them to thank God for their week and continue growing in the faith that was sparked at camp.