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Camp Ministry Internship
Our intention each summer is that the life of every person who comes to camp is impacted for Christ, including those who are on staff. As an intern at Portage Lake Bible Camp, you will be stepping into an instrumental role of ministry and leadership. Each intern will participate in and learn all aspects of camp ministry. This is an opportunity to live in Christian community, serve our guests, and be mentored in your walk with Christ. Our desire is to equip you well for your next steps in ministry and give you skills and experience that you will use well beyond just this internship.
QUALIFICATIONS: - Has a personal relationship with the Lord and basic Biblical understanding. - Desire to pursue personal growth. - Is a positive Christian role model with a servant attitude. - Willingness to live in an intentional Christian community. - Be a team player and ability to serve outside of job description when needed. - Commitment to live and act in accordance with Portage Lake Bible Camp and the Evangelical Covenant Church beliefs and values while employed at PLCBC. - Eagerness to live in a rustic, unplugged setting. - Excellent communication, organizational, and interpersonal skills. - Interest in pursuing a career in ministry leadership and/or camping ministry. Experience working in a camp setting is highly preferred.
Spiritual growth and discipleship: - All interns will participate in regular book studies and time to reflect and study, both individually and in group discussions
Leadership development: - Each intern will be coached and mentored through their time at Portage Lake and encouraged to set personal growth goals and held accountable to spiritual disciplines - Workshop on leadership assessments and growth - 30-day and 90-day reviews; end of year review
Community emphasis: - Interns live in shared housing with the same gender and will experience living in a close, intentional community - PLCBC has a permanent staff that is intergenerational and values the importance of this integration - It is expected that interns engage in a local church community and outreach/volunteer work
Relevant work and life experience: - Exposure to all areas of camp: guest group hosting and retreats (most weekends), ground and facilities maintenance, housekeeping, staff and camper recruitment, office administration, kitchen/food service, and program planning - Camp innovation/improvement project will be completed throughout the internship with assistance from appropriate permanent staff - Attending conferences related to the field - Assistance/guidance in job and/or higher education applications, resumes, interviewing, personal budgeting, etc.
Travel and adventure: - Outdoor adventure opportunities, including: backpacking trip, rock climbing, winter sports, and more.
Missions and service: - The group of interns will participate in a missions/service project, TBD each year.
Dates: - August 27th, 2023 - May 17th, 2024 - December 17th- January 2nd: unpaid time-off for holidays - Working on summer staff the following summer is highly encouraged
Compensation: - Stipend: $1,000/month (paid twice monthly) - Housing and utilities included - One week of paid vacation may be requested - Internet provided at camp; cable TV and phone not provided - *Health care coverage and other benefits not included
Time: Internship
Salary: Paid
Category: Support Staff / Intern
Updated: 1/17/2024 3:03:12 PM
Job Contact:
Marc Eix
(231) 889-5911
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