Inspired by his daughters’ camp experiences, Ed Stetzer wrote “Why Girls Need Camp,” published on Christianity Today’s site. When 78 percent of girls 17 and under report they are “unhappy with their bodies,” and considerable confidence gaps between men and women still exist, there's s a problem. How do we address these issues? Ed says, "It starts when they are young." Instilling confidence and value begins at an early age, and he says camp is an important avenue to nurture girls' growth. As his daughters have attended camp, he has seen growth in their relationships with Christ and their peers. Here's why he sends his daughters to camp:

  1. Camp develops social skills and encourages girls to make friends. 
  2. Independence is fostered at camp when kids and teens have opportunities to make decisions on their own. 
  3. Camps are environments for spiritual transformation and building confidence. 

You can read more in the Christianity Today article here.